How to Write ?
Write as soon as possible...

Here are answers about the desire to analyze your creativity.

This book permitted to review an international network newspaper’s pedagogy. This book helps you writing. It lists the processes to find or to seek the way to write. It also helps to spread what has been done.

Definitions about the usefulness and the writing’s processes allow you to grow towards rich and useful texts.

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The Sentence
Creative Common by SA License
Article published on 20 November 2018
last modification on 21 November 2018

by Matthieu Giroux

A nominal sentence is :
* A central word.
* Verbal phrases around or a dialogue.
* A metric - syllables.

A verbal sentence is :
* Someone or something - the subject.
* An action - a verb.
* A qualification, a subject – complement.
* A metric - syllables.

A sentence could be :
* An explanation – "that is.."
* A relationship – "Oh, that’s good !"
* A feeling – " I like..."
* A music – "it rains, it rains shepherdess."
* Humor – "Read it is delirium."
* Useful – "I love. Love, love."
* Time – " You’re wasting your time."

Giving meaning to a sentence enriches our texts. Thus, while supporting it, we seek to find the rhythm.

To make the reader understanding easily, simple sentences are used. They have got :
* Subject.
* Verb.
* Perhaps a complement.

To make the sentence complex, several subordinate proposals are added to the main proposal. The reader can repress such phrases.

Having written poems, music allows your sentences to have a harmonious rhythmic. It’s better to record yourself reading your sentences and then listen to yourself. Having a rhythm in mind helps to understand the reader.

A complex sentence can possess :
* A relative subordinate proposal, such as an adjective, but with a verb.
* A subordinate proposal conjunctive purpose, words without the quotation marks, introduced by "that".
* A subordinate conjunctive circumstantial conjunctive proposal, such as a complementary circumstantial name but with a verb.

There are several circumstantial complements, time, manner, place, direct and indirect. There is also the name’s complement.

Here is an example of a subordinate relative proposal :
* I like the ones that love.

Using a verb at the end of a sentence helps to accentuate the emotion on the subordinate proposal.

The same shorter sentence :
* I love fans.

A short sentence is better understood.

Here is an example of a dialogue :
I said : "I’m funny."

Here dialog is highlighted. This sentence is more accessible here, since it transcribes the dialogue, so it allows to feel movement.

Here is an example of a subordinate proposal conjunctive :
I said I was fun.

In a story, using dialogues gives reality. The subordinate conjunctive proposal is used when analyzing or explaining.

Here is an example of a subordinate circumstantial conjunctive proposal :
* I’m at my friend’s house, having fun.

Here, too, the proposal at the end of the sentence is stressed. This proposal makes it possible to generalize your sentence.
The same more precise phase without a subordinate proposal :
* I am having fun at my friend’s house with her games.

If we use a proposal, we can be less precise. That is why, seeking objectivity, or meaning, allows you to find the best sentences.

My Notes

Create a story by repeating the beginning of sample sentences.

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